Resultados: 6

O tempo do luto materno pelo filho que morreu na infância

Resumo Objetivo desvelar o movimento existencial da mãe após a morte do filho por acidente doméstico na infância. Método pesquisa embasada no referencial teórico-filosófico-metodológico da fenomenologia de Martin Heidegger, com dados coletados entre maio e junho de 2017, mediante entrevista fen...

Atitudes dos enfermeiros frente à morte no contexto hospitalar: diferenciação por unidades de cuidados

RESUMO Objetivo identificar a ocorrência da morte nas unidades de cuidados, bem como analisar os registros e as atitudes dos enfermeiros frente à morte no contexto hospitalar. Método estudo quantitativo, descritivo, transversal, com participação de 900 enfermeiros de um hospital do Norte de Portug...

Muerte y morir en el hospital: una mirada social, espiritual y ética de los estudiantes

RESUMEN Objetivo Identificar las implicancias sociales, espirituales y éticas que tiene el proceso de muerte y morir para estudiantes de enfermería. Metodología Abordaje cualitativo, de carácter descriptivo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 19 estudiantes de enfermería de quinto año. Los datos rec...

Experience of people with advanced cancer faced with the impossibility of cure: a phenomenological analysis

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the experience of people with advanced-stage cancer given the impossibility of curing the disease. Method: A research based on the Heideggerian phenomenology conducted with 11 people with advanced-stage cancer. Data was collected between November 2015 and March 2016 th...

Mothers of angels: (re)living the death of the child as a coping strategy

Abstract Objective: To describe the experiences lived by mothers facing the death of their children. Method: A qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research conducted in Guarapuava-PR, with six participants of the "Marias" group that brings together mothers who lost their children and share their e...

The nursing actions before the right to worthy death of the hospitalized child

ABSTRACT Objectives: To describe the nursing actions facing the right to worthy death of the child and to analyze the (im) possibilities for promoting worthy death of the hospitalized child. Method: Qualitative approach based on the concept of a worthy death, with 16 members of the nursing team, who wo...